<동영상> 나같은 죄인 살리신 ...,Amazing grace 박지혜 연주
<동영상> 나같은 죄인 살리신 ...,Amazing grace 박지혜 연주
  • 박동현기자
  • 승인 2015.08.17 11:53
  • 댓글 0
이 기사를 공유합니다

I have never heard, or seen, this song with so much fervor or feeling!
▲ 바이올린리스트 박지혜, 주님의 도구로 쓰임받기 원한다고 고백한다.

Joan OfArc ,Amazing grace has never sounded better....Ann  this is beautiful....I play violin...and she is very good..

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Ann Sea Oasis, Joan OfArc​ oh the violin is the best instrument with amazing range of voices. The violin is the most difficult music instrument to learn and master.  I love the sound of the violin especially in classical music. You got a gift +Joan OfArc​​ to play this magical violin. Happy Holiday to you and your family dear friend.

David Anthony, BEAUTIFULLY DONE!  I have never heard, or seen, this song with so much fervor or feeling!  It is obvious that she truly feels the message of this great hymn of the faith. Pastor David Anthony

deltafour, Why aren't these people giving this woman a standing ovation after playing that ?! Holy crap, if she was in the USA they would be standing for 10 minutes clapping and cheering

위는 You Tube 박지혜 연주 동영상에 달린 댓글들이다. 지혜의 왼 손가락 끝을 보면 무디어졌다 현재에 이르는 동안 얼마나 연습을 많이 했는지를 말해 준다.   



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